Recycling Old TVs Becoming Tough, Hennepin Learns

What to do with old televisions and fallen leaves were among topics the Hennepin Village Board wrestled with on Wednesday.

TV recycling problem
Have you noticed television-recycling opportunities disappeared after this spring?

Hennepin officials noticed it, too. Residents frequently ask what to do with old TVs as they purchase modern ones.

Village president Kevin Coleman noted that the village recycled 19,000 pounds of TVs and other electronic devices last December, at no cost.

Government incentives for recyclers to haul away TVs and computer monitors have expired, so the recycling incentives merely are the metals inside the set.

“The people we used last year are charging 4 cents per pound,” Coleman told the board.
If 19,000 pounds were recycled, the village’s cost could be $770, a board member calculated.

Board members agreed that if they have a recycling event, people from all over the county will show up. Board members discussed requiring people to show identification with the Hennepin ZIP code to participate, but later they settled upon scheduling an event and then urging the county to organize countywide events in the future.

“Everybody’s been accumulating it and they’ve been asking about it,” trustee Quentin Buffington said of unwanted electronic items.

Leaf burning, any day
Board members reviewed and then revised the village ordinance on leaf burning Wednesday. Coleman said, years ago, a resident had complained about leaf burning and requested it not be allowed on Saturdays and Sundays; in response the village made an ordinance banning it on two weekdays including Thursdays.

That ordinance also prohibited burning after a rain or when leaves were wet, prohibited use of burning barrels and required fires to be extinguished at dusk.

Board member Clyde Zellmer said “if a guy’s only off on a Thursday,” the ordinance made it impossible to burn leaves. Board members unanimously agreed.

The item was not on the agenda, but board members concurred that they were not spending money and could have a voice vote to allow burning any day.

Trustee Matt Dean emphasized that it’s important to enforce all the other portions of the ordinance, namely not burning wet leaves and having all fires out by dusk.

Recreational wood campfires still are allowed.

Streets, accessibility
The board approved hiring low bidder Universal Asphalt for $60,326 for the street and curb improvement program, about 7 percent above engineer Bill Shafer’s estimate but $7,000 less than the other bid. Shafer said the first two weeks will be for curb and sidewalk work, and after concrete for curbs cures, the paving should be completed within the following two weeks.

Also regarding sidewalks and roads, Shafer told the board the wheelchair ramp between the downtown grocery store and “Ray’s” will be taken out and there will be ramps at Ray’s and the store instead.

In addition, streets superintendent Tim Rylko and the village are planning to remove curb from part of the street to the north of the shelter in Bassi Park (east of the courthouse and near the village hall) and to create a 24-foot-wide driveway to and perhaps a few parking spots near the shelter. He said that will be better than people having to park on the street and carry things to picnics and community events.

The board voted to donate $1,000 to the PC Wellness after-school activities program for this school year and also will donate $100 to the countywide Oct. 2 Partners in Education dinner and anti-bullying and parenting workshops, with child care and children’s activities provided.

Source: News Tribune