Marshall-Putnam 4-H Spin Club to Focus on Learning, Growing, Sharing Vegetables, Herbs, Flowers
Produce may be used at 4-H shows Are you ready to dig into gardening? Join Illinois Extension and grow your skills, give back to your community and share in the rewards of gardening. The Learn-Grow-Share 4-H Spin Club invites youth ages 8 to 18 to explore the basics of vegetable, herb and flower gardening. This is an opportunity to give back, as the produce grown will be donated to local communities through blessing boxes. In 2024, the Learn-Grow-Share Garden produced than 700 pounds of food for the community. Participants also will be able to showcase their hard work by using their produce and flowers for 4-H Show exhibits. Furthermore, youth will learn to cook with fresh ingredients from the garden. Learn-Grow-Share 4-H Spin Club is open to all youth ages 8 to 18. This club requires a 4-H membership, but thanks to community donations, membership fees are covered. Sign up on Zsuite and select Learn-Grow-Share Club. Meetings are held one to two times...