PC Sheriff Bags Tourney a Success
The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office sponsored a bags tournament on Saturday, September 17 to raise money for the "Kops and Kids" Program. The "Kops and Kids" program was initiated by Sheriff Doyle in 2001 and focuses on building a trust and providing positive interaction between law enforcement and kids.
The Sheriff’s Office has held a Fishing Derby 10 years in a row for local children. Each child is provided with fishing gear, t-shirt, prizes and a cookout. All of which is totally funded by donations.
Sheriff Doyle and Staff would like to thank the following for their contribution to the Bags Tournament Fundraiser on September 17: Village of Mark, Christina Mennie, Ann Holmes, Hennepin Boat Market, Frank Niewinski, Tom Swan, Village of Hennepin, All who donated in memory of Amanda Gapinski, and everyone that participated or donated to the Fundraiser.
The Sheriff’s Office has held a Fishing Derby 10 years in a row for local children. Each child is provided with fishing gear, t-shirt, prizes and a cookout. All of which is totally funded by donations.
Sheriff Doyle and Staff would like to thank the following for their contribution to the Bags Tournament Fundraiser on September 17: Village of Mark, Christina Mennie, Ann Holmes, Hennepin Boat Market, Frank Niewinski, Tom Swan, Village of Hennepin, All who donated in memory of Amanda Gapinski, and everyone that participated or donated to the Fundraiser.