Hennepin Joins Call Against Closing Spring Valley Bridge
Hennepin Village Board said Wednesday it would throw its support behind Spring Valley’s effort to keep at least a portion of the Route 89 bridge open while work is being done on it.
“There’s people who live in town here and work in Spring Valley,” village president Kevin Coleman said.
The board decided it would send a letter to Illinois Department of Transportation, which would state the village is in favor of keeping the bridge open to traffic during the work.
The letter will be sent to area politicians as well.
The Illinois River bridge is scheduled for replacement in about 2015.
Source: News Tribune
“There’s people who live in town here and work in Spring Valley,” village president Kevin Coleman said.
The board decided it would send a letter to Illinois Department of Transportation, which would state the village is in favor of keeping the bridge open to traffic during the work.
The letter will be sent to area politicians as well.
The Illinois River bridge is scheduled for replacement in about 2015.
Source: News Tribune