Hennepin Begins Street Plans for the Future

Hennepin Village board began discussing possible street projects at Wednesday’s meeting, with plans for up to six blocks to be improved in the coming years.

These blocks, on parts of Front, Third, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth and 11th streets, most between Market and High streets, total approximately $90,000, as estimated by village engineer Bill Shafer.

Shafer identified a portion of 11th Street as the first needing attention, followed by Eighth and Ninth streets to begin the projects. The board did not make any decisions this month, but will revisit the plan next month.


Kevin Lindeman and Austin Taylor of the North Central Illinois Council of Governments spoke at the meeting, discussing help they can potentially offer the village, including bringing speakers and programs to the community. They also explained the new enterprise zone and discussed the resolution that will be brought to the board next month asking for a 10-year tax abatement for businesses building or expanding in the zone.


The village asked for removal of cars from streets if more than 2 inches of snow is forecast.

WIPFLI will once again complete the village audit at a price of $11,950

Mike Gibbs won the bid for the 1986 town truck at a price of $33,071

Trees are dying throughout the town, and the tree committee will need to decide what trees, and how to replant them, in the town

The village donated $100 each to Illinois Valley Center for Independent Living and the Voluntary Action Center.

Source: News Tribune