Village of Hennepin Vacates Right of Way to Allow Barn Restoration
Hennepin Village Board this month approved vacating a 13-foot strip of the Ninth Street right of way for Tim Rylko.
Rylko explained after the meeting that the vacation is because he wants to restore a barn for personal use at the location, and he needs the roadway for it.
The agreement includes Rylko reimbursing the village for legal fees related to the ordinance and for the survey related to the plat needed to record, said village attorney Sheryl Churney.
There also will be an agreement to give the village an easement for public utility purposes for the strip of land, she said.
Source: News Tribune
Rylko explained after the meeting that the vacation is because he wants to restore a barn for personal use at the location, and he needs the roadway for it.
The agreement includes Rylko reimbursing the village for legal fees related to the ordinance and for the survey related to the plat needed to record, said village attorney Sheryl Churney.
There also will be an agreement to give the village an easement for public utility purposes for the strip of land, she said.
Source: News Tribune