Luminant’s Hennepin Power Plant Celebrates OSHA VPP Star Status
Image credit: Putnam County Record |
Hennepin plant is the first coal plant in Luminant’s fleet and one of only a few coal plants in the entire U.S. to achieve OSHA VPP Star Status. The Hennepin plant team recently held a celebration event, featuring a VPP flag-raising ceremony and congratulatory remarks from company leaders and OSHA representatives. OSHA’s VPP program recognizes employers and workers who have implemented effective safety and health management systems, and maintain injury and illness rates below national Bureau of Labor Statistics averages for their respective industries. In total, 12 sites across Luminant’s fleet have been awarded OSHA’s VPP Star Status certification.
Attendees included: Hennepin plant employees and retirees; Byron Veech, Hennepin plant manager; Barry Boswell, Luminant senior vice president and chief fossil officer; Wayne Harris, Luminant regional vice president of coal operations; state Rep. Lance Yednock; representatives from the offices of U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger and state Sen. Sue Rezin; and OSHA representative Candra Jefferson.
Source: Putnam County Record