Golf Cart Ordinance and Registration Form

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Hennepin approved Ordinance #594 on January 19 at their regular meeting, providing for revisions and clarifications to the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance already in place.


Specific changes to the Ordinance include the requirement for annual, color-coded stickers for each vehicle, which will be issued on a (1) calendar year basis. In addition, all recreational vehicles must be equipped with a horn and a rear-view mirror, along with the already required front and rear lights.

Residents who have already paid for a multi-year sticker will not be required to pay any additional fees through their expiration date, but MUST request a 2022 color-coded sticker and comply with new guidelines.

2022 Golf Cart Registration Form

Residents who have NOT registered their vehicles are advised to fill out the registration form to submit to the Village. Cost of the annual sticker is $10.00. Checks can be made payable to the Village of Hennepin and sent along with the completed registration form to:

Village of Hennepin
PO Box 194
Hennepin, IL  61327

You will receive your sticker by mail. You may email the Village Clerk or call the Village Hall at 815-925-7138 with any questions.

The Village Board of Trustees implemented these changes to more efficiently aid the Putnam County Sheriff's Department in enforcing the Village of Hennepin's Non-Highway Vehicle Ordinance and ensure all non-highway vehicles are legally registered.

The sheriff will be issuing tickets to anyone without a valid sticker.

In addition, drivers who are properly licensed to operate motor vehicles and non-highway vehicles are subject to the requirements of Section 11-1426.1 of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/11-1426.1).

Hennepin Board of Trustees
