Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey

Public input sought regarding natural hazards in Marshall and Putnam Counties 

Marshall and Putnam Counties are seeking input from the public through an online survey regarding resident experiences and preparedness for natural hazards. The survey is available below. Input from the survey will assist the county in better preparing for natural hazard events that occur in the county. The survey will be available until the end of March.

Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Survey

Marshall and Putnam Counties are working with the North Central Illinois Council of Governments to update the county’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. The purpose of the NHMP is to identify the types of natural hazards that impact the county and the communities in the county, to assess their vulnerability to those hazards, and to formulate mitigation strategies that will lessen the severity of natural disasters by protecting human life and property. Every five (5) years, plans must be reviewed and updated.

We appreciate your valued input!
