Cherry Coal Mining Collection to be on Display at Hennepin Library
Library to have a program on Spring Valley coal mining history with author
The Putnam County Public Library District has on display at its Hennepin headquarters a Cherry coal mining collection. An anonymous patron recently donated this collection to the library.
With National Coal Miners Day coming up Dec. 6, the library has a local collection to share with the public, including several hat lanterns, a wood box, a large painted image on glass of the Cherry Coal Mine and some miscellaneous tools the miners would have used back in the day. The library will have a program Thursday, Dec. 5, called “Spring Valley is a Mining Town,” with author Richard Joyce discussing the history of the Spring Valley coal mining from his book. Visitors will be able to purchase his book afterward.
This collection will be on display through the end of January.
Are you a collector? If you are interested in displaying your collection at the Hennepin library, contact Matt Miller at or 815-339-2038, ext. 1, for information.
Source: Putnam County Record