Henry Harbor Marina Announces Move to Hennepin

Business moves over differences in its lease

Henry Harbor Marina will have a new home and name in Hennepin: Hennepin’s Big Bend Marina, the company said on its Facebook page.

“This decision is bittersweet for our family,” the company said in its post. “Henry has been like a second home to us for decades. Our connection to the marina dates back to the 1970s, when my grandfather kept a boat there, long before we took over operations.”

The marina said it ultimately chose to move locations “due to differences over the terms of our lease.” But the business said it is parting ways with the city of Henry amicably.

“We are deeply grateful to the town and the friends we have made along the way, and we wish Henry nothing but the best as we move forward,” the marina said on Facebook.

The relocation process has begun, the marina said on Facebook. The new location will have 30-plus individual slips, linear docking, multiple amenities, a bath house and pontoon rentals.

The marina business said it chose Hennepin for the charming and convenient setting for its members and the name “Big Bend Marina” is inspired by the natural geography of the Illinois River.

“We are excited to join this welcoming community and to offer you an even better marina experience in this vibrant town,” the marina said.

For more information visit Henry Harbors Facebook page or call 309-364-2181.

Source: Putnam County Record
